A Beginners Guide to Death Cleaning

Döstädning or Swedish death cleaning is a type of decluttering. The term is a hybrid of two words, “dö” meaning death and “städning”, meaning cleaning. Simply, it involves a process of clearing out unnecessary belongings.  It can be undertaken at any age or life stage. It’s recommended to be done sooner rather than later, before … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Out Your Closet

You’ve decided to tackle your textiles.  Congratulations! Cleaning out your closet is a struggle for many. Time to gather a few bags or boxes and dive in.  There are a few approaches you can take when preparing for a purge.  You can remove items one at a time and assess.  I recommend creating piles-Donate, Consign, … Read more

Stress Free Organizing for Living Together

So, you’re shacking up. Taking the plunge. Making a commitment and merging your lives (and possessions) into one unit. Congratulations! There are many reasons why people move in together. Organizing for living together doesn’t have to be stressful. Whether you are a couple, blending a family, roommates or a caregiver, it’s important to address the … Read more

Organizing Guide-Preparing Your Home for Sale

Whether you are: empty nesters downsizing, are relocating due to a military move or separation, are building a new house for your growing family or have decided that a yurt on an island is more your style you still need to organize your home for sale.

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe: A Beginners Guide

What’s Your Clutter Vice? As a professional Organizer, you would likely expect me to have my shit together. To have embraced minimalism and worship at the altar of Marie Kondo. Keeping only the objects that “spark joy”.  I can honestly admit that my closet situation is out of control.  Not only is space an issue, … Read more