5 Important Things to do Before You Die-It’s Not Too Late!

If you clicked on this expecting a typical bucket list of wild and crazy things to do before you die then you might be disappointed. Instead of skydiving and swimming with dolphins, you’ll find a practical list of what you should actually do to leave an organized legacy before you die. Boring, you say? Well, … Read more

Why Personal Directives Are So Important

What’s the Big Emergency Anyway? I recently spent 16 hours in the emergency department with my ill father.  For the first 5 hours of our experience, he was on a stretcher in the hallway next to the ambulance receiving doors.  So, worry aside, I had a constant stream of entertainment for the full moon shift.  … Read more

Downsizing Reality: No One Wants Your Stuff

The Downside to Downsizing I can still remember the look of shock on my Mom’s face. We were preparing my grandparents house for sale. When we arrived at the Royal Doulton figurines, Mom asked which one(s) I wanted. “None”, was my reply. My granddad had died and my grandmother was moving into a long term … Read more